
Hey everybody!

A few people have left comments on my blog, so I'd like to thank 'Cindy' and 'Sonia' for your awesome comments. 'Sonia' asked a few questions so I'll answer them. 'Sonia', thanks, and I think I should have the book finished by the end of the year maybe earlier if I try hard (I'm not exactly sure though, cause I'm not sure how long it's gonna be), and I was thinking maybe 3 books, but their might be more, or less, but their will definetly be 2.

Every character in this book is based on a real person, I've used most of their names, but some I havn't used some peoples name in case their character offends them, but people, no offense meant if you don't like your character. I was wondering, if any of you, if their are any, would like their name in this book. I don't care how weird your name is, if you post it I will put it in. I have a group of characters who need names so I will use the peoples names that they post. If you want a main part out of the group of characters, put a personality bit in about yourself so I can use your name and your personality on the character. :)

I've posted a poll, which you can see on the right. It is a poll about the five goddesses (the main characters of the book, obviously)since none of you have read it yet, you don't know who the characters are or if you like them, so I am going to post a personality profil, which you can see on the right below the poll. Please vote. :)

If their is anyone reading this please become a follower and leave your comments and ideas. :)

Gotta go, so much to write so little time...


  1. heyy adele!! ,

    lol, luv that discription about that character Caitlin, oh by the way i think u forgot to add in that she is VEEEERY pretty ( :D ) and u accidentally put in that i, i mean she, makes wrong choices 'bout men, THANKYOU VERY MUCH!! >:-( lolll

    keep up the good work!

    xoxo Burgerrrr ( btw i became a follower)

  2. Hmmm...
    i wonder who that is?
    CAITLIN! i mean I really wonder...

  3. Totally_awesome_person_who_is_totally_awesome_teehee!!March 29, 2010 at 6:18 PM

    hey cindy i am so the awesomest person in this book (lol) , i APPARENTLY fall in love with the evil guy.....ok maybe that wasn't the best example, but still u know what i mean!! LOL

    (oh yeah sorry to everyone who read this that i spoiled the bit where i APPARENTLY fall in luv wif the evil guy, Max......seriously Adele, WHY ME??!)
